So it's another day, which can only mean another possible email exchange (or two) from my future-bride-to-be, Lindsay Cain.
I guess it was my turn to write her back after yesterday's email from her.
I was so happy to get your email. It was a fantastic surprise to get it in my inbox when I got home from work!
So Africa, huh? Do you travel a lot for work? I've been to Boston, Charleston, Dayton, Louisiana, Washington, Houston, Kingston, Texarkana, Monterey, Ferriday, Santa Fe, Tallapoosa, Glen Rock, Black Rock, Little Rock, Oskaloosa, Tennessee, Tinnesay, Chicopee, Spirit Lake, Grand Lake, Devil's Lake, Crater Lake...I've been everywhere, man, I've been everywhere. It was the summer of '98 and I was following Metallica on their 'Speed of Sound' tour. Oh the stories I could tell you! Anywho, I love to travel, but I've never been outside the United States. Do you enjoy traveling? When do you think you'll be back from Nigeria because I can't wait to meet you!
Tell me more about your job...what do you do with the gold and paintings? Are you into the mining of precious metals, like gold digging?
I have to be honest with happy as your emails make me, I was very sad to read about your family. I'm so sorry to hear about your parents. At least they weren't shot to death in front of you, like Batman's parents.
Thank you for also feeling open to tell me about your relationship history. I've been abstaining from sex the better part of this decade! It's not like I haven't been's just prostitutes here are pretty expensive. Wait, does oral count?
I love to learn that you can cook....because I love to eat! I think a women's place is in the kitchen and I'm glad you feel the same.
I can't wait to hear from you soon when you return from Africa. I can't wait to hear more about your trip...take a lot of pictures!
God bless...I wait with held breath for your next email!
Sure as shit, a few hours later, I have an email in my in-box from her! It's titled "To My Future King" and I see a little paperclip icon, which can only mean there are attachments to her letter.
I've always been one to read the card before opening up the present, but in this case, I'm gonna check out the attachements first. Looks like there are three of them: "thinkingofyou.jpg", "imgladihaveyou.jpg" and the rather binary-sounding "0110001.jpg".
Drumroll please... sweet! My mom usually sends me these kind of things. Wasn't it Freud and his theory of the "Oedipus complex" that said boys are attracted to their mothers and end up marrying women who remind them of their mothers?

What's this "friends" bullshit all about? I thought I was her future king!
Finally, the last attachment. My guess is that it is a drawing of a teddy bear with his hand in a jar and it says "You're my honey."

Hell-o! Honey pot indeed!
This girl wants to be with me? (In Borat voice) "Very nice!"
Oh, wait, I forgot there was an email to read!
I just want you to know that I am very much appreciated receiving your letter every moment i check my mail. You are a very special person who I SERIOUSLY want to explore the possibility of building a long term friendship with, that will in time turn into a marriage and family. That is my dream, and I hope to make it come true with you!. In my heart I feel you have all the qualities it takes to make me very happy...
My favourite music is R&B , country music, Meals are Sea Food Lobster, chips & chicken and sushi and I like to dance, I speak spanish and alittle french , I have also got a british accent from my late Mom, because we are very close , she grew up in the Ireland, Oh i miss her so much today.
I do travel outside of the States to buy Art Sculptures, craft, beads etc and get it ship into the States for sales at a very profitable price, I have customers who are ready to pay me in cash as soon as it is delievered at the port of destination. this have make me travel a lot , I do travel once in 4-5months, I have been to Spain , Finland , Italy , Ireland , France , China , England , Australia and my first time in Africa, here is full of adventury, I have been here for almost 11days now. I will be back to Los Angeles early next week.
Honey in me you are going to find a woman that was blessed with an over abundance of passion to give to the ones I share my heart and soul with. For you to really know me you will have to experience me, as the love that makes up my heart is like a waterfall, where the water never stops flowing down. In this case my heart is the waterfall, and the love and passion that flows endlessly is representing the water. I am a very unique person for many reasons, but one of those is the fact that I can never get enough of romancing that special someone.
Thank you again for giving me the opportunity to build this special friendship with you!. You will be rewarded for it through the passionate love that makes up my heart and soul!. I am so excited to be able to do what I do best and that is romance you with all the passion that makes up my heart and soul!. My special friendship with you is something I want to make permanent and eventually build into a family to call our very own!
Directly from my heart to yours!
Your Future Queen! (I hope!)
PS... I have stoped checking on my profile on eharmony since I have found you and I have no reason for still searching, I hope you will appreciate this by doing the same.
Some casual observations:
1) Gee wiz, how she went from college grad to apparently English being her fourth language, I don't know! It's almost like she's not really American...
2) I really wasn't putting too much weight into her words until she wrote "SERIOUSLY" in all caps, so I guess you can count me in.
3) "Favourite"? See #1
4) "Sea Food Lobster"? Little redundant, don'tcha think?
5) She speaks "spanish and alittle french". Probably as well as she writes English.
6) She got an English accent from her Mom, who's from Ireland? Probably the funniest thing I've ever read in my life.
7) That whole part about the overflowing waterfall? Gotta admit, I fell for that one. I'm puddy in her hands at this point.
8) About her PS, how dare she ask me to stop on eHarmony. Just because this is the first potentially positive match out of what, a trillion?, doesn't mean I'm about to put all my proverbial eggs in one basket.
Stay tuned, faithful readers...more to come.