
I Love It When You Call Me Big Poppa...

It's 3:27 AM...I've just awoken from a dream and I have to blog this out. It's not so much my dream but the feeling and, dare I say, purpose, that came over me when I awoke:

I want a son.

An heir to my proverbial throne.

My dream, or at least the few seconds of the end of which I remember, involved me in an apartment. Oddly enough, it was apparently my apartment, but just not the one I'm in now. I was living in one of those cool bricked interior-walled apartments. My apartment in my dream -- not to be confused with my 'dream apartment' -- is very minimal, much like my current dwelling. There's a bed, a dresser, a shiny flat-screen TV on the wall...and a crib. In my dream, I walk over to the crib and there are white and pale yellow blankets. I pull them up, exposing a sleeping baby. I pick the baby up...apparently it's mine. He's still sleeping as I rock him back and forth gently. I keep whispering to him "I love you, I'm going to take care of you" and the baby just keeps his eyes closed but is smiling, obviously in the middle of a great dream, much like the one I'm in.

I put the baby down back in the crib, whisper "I love you" and kiss it on the forehead. The baby makes a "da-da" sound and that's when I woke up.

Maybe this isn't something too abnormal for a single, almost-thirty-year-old male who wants to settle down and start a family to experience. I dunno. It was a weird dream, but I liked it.

Any takers?


Nicholas said...

No thanks, you're not my type. Besides when you work 80 hours a week how can you expect to be a single father cramped into an apt?

maybe you should test your skills on a beta fish first. If it lives for one year you can set up to a cat or something.

Anonymous said...

I love your blog girl: I'll be on a flight in a heartbeat. You game?

Joe said...

You're not flying in from Nigeria, are you?

Anonymous said...

Joe, just say when, and you can have my two on loan for as long as you want. They are house broken, and can already say Da Da.

Anonymous said...

I love your blog girl: Joe, not Nigeria although that whole saga was quite entertaining to read. I am only one state away.

Joe said...

Hawaii? Well Alooooooooooooooha!

By the way, I love the irony that someone who digs my work is not only anonymous, but from another state. What a cruel, cruel world!

Anonymous said...

I love your blog girl: Lets make this a little more intersting. I actually have met one of your friends quite a few times. I found your blog through his :)

Joe said...

Damn it, I'm intrigued.

Let's see...no one reads Kory's blog, no one who reads Adam's blog would love my blog...that leaves the King.

John, help here?

Kory said...

I think I'm my best reader...you guys dont read my stuff very well thats all.

Conrad said...

Well I'm sure it's hard to keep readers when you update your blog less times than when Joe gets laid.

Conrad said...

oh, and just to open this door, The King says he doesn't read your blog anymore.

Joe said...

Conrad, I know Kory reads his blog and I read his blog...that's 2 people. As for my sexlife, well, there's me and...me.

Doesn't read my blog? Hrumph!

Adam and Myisha Partridge said...

Don't worry; he doesn't read my blog either (at least he didn't before I took a blogging hiatus); he could no longer stand my blasphemes about the Avatar of Hope and Change (Obama).

Anonymous said...

I love your blog girl: Sorry kid, I don't know Kory or John :) I feel like I am over dramatizing my identity but it's too fun to stop now.