Weak End Post
Not that anyone asked, but here's my pick for the Chargers' first round pick tomorrow:

Gosder Cherilus (OT) or Brandon Flowers (CB)
(I only put this on the record as I've successfully picked San Diego's top draftee the last two years in a row.)
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For those of you keeping track, I've worked 25 straight days. Okay, I was "off" on the 10th, but I actually spent it back in Long Beach working at my old course, helping them out with the GM on vacation.
I'm not anticipating another day off until my vacation, which is just 7 loooooooong days away. I'm at a breaking point and this vacation couldn't come at a better time!
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I am planning on taking a half day on Sunday...a member of the Padres organization called me and offered me two great seats for the Sunday day game. San Diego. 1:00 baseball. Peavy vs. Webb. Free tickets. How sweet is that?
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Another nominee for Quote of the Year:
"I'm thinking about becoming a wet-nurse because I heard breastfeeding burns a lot of calories."
--Amanda Valorosi
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