Got an Inkling of a Feeling...
I think I want to get another tattoo soon.
I'm not really one for artwork or murals, I like the more subtle words or phrases, kinda like my current ink:The quotes that I really like/describe me/are a part of my philosophy of life and would be worth putting on my body are as follows:
"That which does not kill us makes us stronger" -Friedrich Nietzsche
"Cogito ergo sum" (I think, therefore I am) -Rene Descartes (I like the look of this example, just not on my neck!)
"2+2=5" -from George Orwell's '1984'
Like I said before, artwork really isn't my style, but atop my list would be the girl and angel off the Smashing Pumpkin's "Mellon Collie and the Infinite Sadness" album cover. There are several reasons why, of course. Not only are the Pumpkins my second favorite music group, but I think the colors are great, it's beautiful (actually the combination of one famous painting and one not so famous), and most importantly it truly evokes a lot of emotion every time I see it and it's got a sort of celestial and angelic feel to it, which really seems apropos right now in my life:
I've got a suggestion: save up a lot of money for a really good tatoo, and then use the money to remove the gay tatoo you already have.
can't say i really like any of the ideas...but of the four, i like the pumpkins album best, but color tattoos look like shit when you get older.
Where are you going to get it?
Left back/shoulder blade.
Then it's a good thing you're not getting them, John.
Hey, don't post it if you don't welcome comments.
I think Ronald Reagan would find your censorship reprehensible.
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