
The Year of Joe

Well, it looks like the cat is out of the bag. It's official: I'm bloggin' again.

I was going to unveil this baby over the weekend when I was happy with the layout and had some sufficient material but alas, it seems that this information was leaked (I think it was a drunk me who spoke of my grand return to the blogosphere during New Year's night.) I'll be tweaking the layout of functionality of this blog for the next few days but have no fear, I'll still be posting everyday (which is my goal.)

I hope I can keep all you faithful readers entertained during what I am calling The Year of Joe. I invite all of you to join along while I search for a pay raise, a new apartment and a lady friend, among other things. I'm also in the process of getting a new car (how I came to this worth re-telling in a future post) and working on shrinking my waistline. As you can see, I've got a shit load on my plate this year, but I plan to make it all come to fruition, come hell or high water.


j.h.k. said...

Ya know Joe, they say looking for love is the surest way not to find it.

Anonymous said...

Yes, Joe, love kicks you in the balls when your not looking and then runs away. It's up to you whether to chase it or not ;)

Joe said...

I've been kicked in the balls before (actually and figuratively) and I don't want to do much of anything afterwards, let alone go on a chase...